Saturday, April 19, 2014

Chapter 3

Chapter 3


This paper attempted to determine why kleptomaniac steal.
The researcher design used in this study is the descriptive research method wherein data from the articles were used to answer the research question stated.The research findings are the following:
1. Not all theft is caused by poverty, because there is a type of theft which is not the real cause of poverty but an illness, it is usually known as kleptomania.
2.There are evidence that kleptomania is an illness,but there is also a problem with regard to the society; the gender bias to a man and women, if you are son of a religious people you are expected to have a moral values.
3. Since this illness is unknown and many physician did not know where it came from,this is the reason why there are lots of misconceptions.
4.In misconceptions there occur evidence that this illness can be prevented or cured.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusion are drawn:
1.It is difficult to know what is kleptomania since there are many misconception about the real cause and treatment of it.
 2.In knowing what are the cause of kleptomania, people blame parental guidance about the case of kleptomania but literally it is not a moral failure but an illness that is unknown, that is why they are focusing on the symptoms of the kleptomania to give the right treatment.


After drawing the conclusions of the study,the researcher hereby make the following suggestions/recommendation:
1.Kleptomania cannot be considered as an excuse; because it is also an act of theft, which we know as an immoral act and it is against the law.Misconceptions about kleptomania may be taken granted of; and develop thoughts that they should just use it to avoid crime.
2.Scholars should construct a research on possible,future improvements in kleptomania-involved more evidence about kleptomania and the perfect treatment that the kleptomaniacs should use.

Electronic Media

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Freudenrich,G.Ph.D.(1998),March 30-Kleptomania Overview. (

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Giri,S.(2012),March 23-Kleptomania or plain thief. (

Jou,E.(2012),March 23-10-Year-Old Girl Steals Over $1,600 to Play Video Games. (

Lewak,D.(2011),March 30-'Tis the season to be... stealing? How rise of kleptomania during the holidays affects party hosts as much as department stores. (

Lavene,D.(2012),March 30-Confessions of a kleptomaniac. (

Leetaru,L.(2009),March 30-Is My Child a Kleptomaniac? (

Makama,F.(2014),March 23-Stealing And Kleptomania As Character And Personality Problems.(

Magda DH(2011),March 30-Kleptomania Mental Disorder Moral Failing or Excuse. (

Rainey,S.(2013),March 30-Derren Brown: 'Most magicians are kleptomaniacs’. (

Stekel,W.(1911),March 30-Sexual Root of Kleptomania. (

William,M. Ph.D(2014),March 30-Kleptomania - A Compulsion To Steal. (

Woodruff,M.(2012),March 30-Psychologist Says 'Kleptomania' Is A Bogus Diagnosis. (

Young,E.(2010),March 30-Impulse Control Disorders Kleptomania. (

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