Saturday, February 1, 2014

Blogpost 2: Characteristics of kleptomaniac

In the seminar that I attended a few hours later the speaker talks about drug addiction.When he started to talk many students are not quite listening to him including me,who is very busy talking with my seatmates.He talked lots of things, like the alcohol is also considered as a drugs,he also said that "anything that will make people addictive is considered as a dug". I am very surprise of what he said because before I think that drugs are only marijuana, shabu, and other stuff that makes people immortal something like that.After that I talk to my self , playing basketball with gambling is also a drug but how is this happened? and then to clarify he explain it to us,he said that the only reason why we call it as a drugs because it is a thing that change people behavior.In the seminar the speaker also talks about the reason why people take drugs.He said that other people use it as an pain killers to their problems with their  family,friends and girlfriend, others use it to relieve their stress and to become socialized or cool.Many people thinks that using this will help them to remove their problems but unfortunately it is the other way around because at the end the one who suffers a lot is you and your family.And for that matter I relate it to my topic.My topic also tackles about the misbehavior of kleptomaniacs.

In an article entitled,"Psychologist Says 'Kleptomania' Is A Bogus Diagnosis",from the site, by Mandi Woodruff. In her article he wants to know why kleptomaniac steal because it's fun or they do it to revenge to express their bad feelings.According to Dr. Will Cupchik a psychologist that, "A person who steal because he is angry is not a kleptomaniac", The reason why he said that is because of the five characteristics of kleptomaniac.The strong desire that encourage them to steal things;The stuff that they steal is the things that they can actually afford;they steal because it makes them happy that's why they are doing it again and again;after stealing items they feel guilt and shame on what they did because they know that it is not right;and lastly,they steal not committed to express anger but to give happiness to them.However some study observe that people who's diagnose with this kind of disorder are suffering stress and the only way that relieves their stress is to steal.Usually when we are stress we are angry because of the problem or on what had happened to us.How can Mr. Cupchik said that kleptomaniac does not steal because they are angry?
I think he said that because base on the five characteristics of a kleptomaniac.For some thoughts that will also have a point, but for me kleptomaniac steal because of their bad feelings or emotions.

Another observation of a physician that kleptomania is also a genetics because most of his patients who are  diagnosed with kleptomania got it from their family or their relatives are alcoholic who suffered in stress.

Another disorder which shares similarities with kleptomania is hoarding.Hoarding is a disorder that also have to get object.This also may affect the person moral and his normal way of living because of buying  lots of things that he/she thinks that has a value but actually do not.After buying different stuff,like dress,shoes and then his or her money is not enough to buy things he will actually steal it just to make sure that he will get it.

Since they don't enough evidence to prove their observation,treatment are also too difficult for them to find.To find the right treatment for the kleptomaniacs other psychiatrist use a treatment for the drug addict.For some reason other people use dug to stop stealing and also to be sure that there is a right treatment  for them.

The next articles that I found entitled,"'Tis the season to be... stealing? How rise of kleptomania during the holidays affects party hosts as much as department stores",from the site of,by Doree Lewak says that, "kleptomaniacs are more likely to indulge their habit during the holidays than at any other time", This is because people loves to give gift to their love once,especially this valentines day,they don't want to give a cheap gift to their love ones that's why others try to steal.Jealous is also a root why people try to steal things.The kleptomaniac also have a feeling of extreme stress that Santa don't want to give them a gift because of their bad attitudes or bad actions that leads makes to be discriminated by others.Others easily judge a person base on what they did with not knowing what is the reason why they are doing that.This kind of disorder also related on term called "sociopath" or "psychopath".Sociopath or Psychopath this is defined as an anti-social aggressive a highly impulsive person this because of the effect of the society that his "right" response as a wrong and "wrong" is the other way around that makes them unacceptable in the society.The reason why I connect this to kleptomaniac is about the word "frustration",this is about your expectation to your self to others and what people think about you.The sociopath is a kind of person that is not acceptable of the society because of their different kinds of action that makes them feel frustrated.This is why they develop an extreme stress that leads to steal item or to commit crimes.Fro some reason this is related on what Albert Einstein said that when there is an action there were always an opposite reaction that when the society cannot accept people like that,there are reaction that the people who is not accepted in the society would revenge.This is a contrast on what Cupchik said about the characteristics of kleptomaniacs.

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