Sunday, February 9, 2014

Blogpost 4 Impulse stealing of the kleptomaniac's

A lot of things that people can actually do, but sometimes in our mysterious life we don't know where the right path is.The desire is what makes us feel happy or we can say that help us relaxed. For other people they live because of their dreams, they became strong because of their love once. There is a time that we can say that there's no hope because of the biggest problem that we have,sometimes we say to our selves may be if I did not do that, I became this and that.But how can we change that regrets if we still don't know who we are?.There is a famous quote of Confucius that" do not do an to others what others do not do an to you" This somehow gives me an idea to not judge people like the word "sociopath" or the "psychopath" define as the person who is not acceptable by the society. In my own experience I encountered those people who are not acceptable by society. In my own experience I saw a atheistic child who is being bully because of his disease.Despite of his disease he is a talented person who want to be a model someday but other people are trying to discriminate him.For him that is the hardest problem that he had, being unacceptable to the society and being discriminated by others.

In this article that I want to share with you guys,which  can give an additional information about this topic, the article entitled “Kleptomania- A Compulsion To Steal”.By M. Williams, Ph.D.,from the site of article talks about the behaviors of the kleptomania they impulse stealing,the treatment,essential features and the cause of it.First the behavior of kleptomaniac since I said to the third article that kleptomaniac occurs in a women rather than a men. This kind of observation is not actually proven there are also evidence that support to this statement.Like what I said in my other blogpost that kleptomaniac steal what they want not what they need.The uncontrollable stealing of kleptomaniac that from being tempted to that object leads to steal item.And in additional kleptomaniac does not steal if there is a bigger possibility that they may caught.Second is treatment some observation of the other physician that these may be a genetics that some of their patients who suffer from this kind of illness,their parents or relatives also suffering from it.But that is not the only case,there is also a treat that shows of the recent researcher’s the benefits of “cognitive-behavioral therapy”.This therapy are use to help an individual’s to inform the individuals of the bad effect of their illness.A stress stabilizer that help kleptomania to decrease they stress.The stress of kleptomaniac is came after they steal an item because of the feeling of guilt and remorse.The stress stabilizer that I’am talking about is the serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).Third is the essential features of kleptomania,from the article there are three and I’am doing my best to explain to you guys.
1.   Their uncontrollable stealing of an object that is not needed
       Like what I said earlier that they steal what they want not what they need that is why they are more like different from the real thief.
2.   The higher tension that leads them to be tempted on the object
      This is the reason why they still can’t resist their intense stealing of objects.
3.   Their strong desire to steal
      This also a reason why they commit crimes

Lastly the cause of kleptomania,this gives some additional thoughts and information why most of the kleptomania is a women.In the discussion of the kleptomania in 19th and early 20th century that became part of their debate that kleptomania has a relationship with the insanity of the reproductive system of a female called “hysteria”, that is said to be the cause of the uterus.But the scientific community cannot prove that this is actually the cause.According to Freudian psychoanalytic theory that “attributed hysterical symptoms to the unconscious mind's attempt to protect the patient from psychic stress”.Somehow I can say that it is really the cause because of the word “stress” that also experience by the kleptomaniac’s.This theory might actually the right thing for me because in this theory it helps people to relieve their stress and also in their conscious of stealing objects.This thing will not only help the store’s retailer’s but also those youth is the hope of our country.

Also I want to share with you the article i read entitled "BeenCaught Stealing: A Drug That Fights Kleptomania".By MICHAEL HAEDERLE,from the site of the article talk’s about the treatment that they use in kleptomania like naltrexone that is usually treatment for alcoholism and heroin addiction.There are also evidence treatment help this illness to their dopamine in their brain.The study found out that it’s the most common problem that diagnose with this illness. Stephen Correia and Thea Brennan-Krohn discovered something when they test the 10 women with their “diffusion tensor imaging”, form by the magnetic resonance in the brain.They found out that the tissue in the brain of the women in the white matter tracts is less dense to the inferior frontal lobe.This explain why most women diagnose with this illness are easily tempted to an object or they have a low percent of decision making.According to Jon Grant says that “They didn’t have enough neural pathways to keep sending an inhibitory message to the brain,” This proves to what Freudenrich said and for that matter I agree that kleptomania commonly occurs in the woman.But I want to find more information about this issues because it is not yet proven. 

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