Sunday, February 23, 2014

Blogpost 5 A Child kleptomaniacs

In our daily lives sometimes there is a time that we are very angry without reason.Our emotion is somehow make us strong be simply being happy,but sometimes this emotion could lead us to a unexpected situation.There are lots of thing that could make us happy specially those people that we love,our family,our girlfriend and best friend.When I'm in high school I always love to go out with my friends but my parents are very strict, so I feel jealous on other teenager that are free to go out and bond with their friends.Then suddenly I saw a teenager that is very free to do what ever he wants,and after our graduation I see him crying a child,I think it is him.And then I realize,what if my parents let me do what ever I want and be free do bond with my classmates and other friends do you think I can go into the college?.That is one thing that my parents want to understand to me,that do not always rely on your emotion,just because you are happy you think that is the right decision.Somehow expressing your feeling to your crush is also a hard thing to do because of the reason that she/he might reject you.It is a very hard situation that some people are happy because they are not rejected but some people are not. Sometimes our emotion is based on our mood,when we have a good mood we are happy and if we are angry we are in bad moods.

The article that I want to share with you guys entitled "Confession of  a kleptomaniac".by Dylan Lavene, from the site of articles is a story of a guy who steal item ever since he's a child.The things that makes him shame about him self is his father is a religious people a pastor.In the article the guy is being humiliated and being a arrogant because of the high expectation of his parents to him.Base on the author that the more you force the child the more that he will not do it.Basically stealing starts as early as child,they develop this sometime because in the problem in their house or environment.This may also an effect of the over protected parents or a very strict parents that cause an emotional stress to a child.And for that matter when he is being stressed on what others may say to his family because of what he was doing he still not stop stealing.When he goes into the age of 15, he said that it was the happiest day of his life because his father left the church and pursue a business career.In that reason he stop stealing because of the freedom that he get from his parents.But when the time he stop stealing,being addictive is the thing that he get from being free.He stop stealing,but he became a drug addict.Every day his life don't have a thrill without taking weed and by the time he run's out of money he came back in stealing.Stealing and drug addiction are related to each other because the drug addict steal money to support their habit.According to Dr. Jeff Gardere a psychologist that"We do see very young children who begin to steal and it is a sign of some emotional disturbance, a lack of permanence in their lives or a psycho-symbolic way to fill the void in their lives,” .In this case I agree to Dr. Gardere because as today many children are rebelling to their parents because of being strict.Like the guy in the article that his parents are strict and for the output of it, the child begun to start stealing.For me that is correct because of the feeling of the child that sometimes cannot understand by the parents,but in a contrast the only thing that the parents do this is because they want their child to become a good people in the society or to become a successful person that they are proudly to introduce to the other people.What if all the parents are over protected to their child because of the reason that I said earlier, do you think many children will be a kleptomania or a drug addict? For some reason this questions gives an information to the parents,but the thing is understanding and respect is the key to have a good relationship to your parent,family and to the other people.

The next article that I want to share with you guys is about the ongoing process of a child,this article entitled "Is My Child a Kleptomaniac?".By Lars Leetaru,from the site of is a continuation on the first article that I wrote,stealing usually starts in as young as child like.Base on the article in is common to a child to steal an item because of their development.We cannot say that those child are actually criminals because of what they do.Into a life of a child there come the time that they will feel remorse and guilty because of stealing.Like the story of the author when she was a child,she also steal items from his friend.But for the author "Stealing in Childhood Does Not a Criminal Make".This is because the child wants to try every thing and like trying to find out if they might get caught when they try to steal.This idea sounds mysterious in a child so they try to do it.For the parents this kind of action is can be fix so the parents don't have to worry about their children.The only thing that parents should do is to guide their children by teaching them to give back the stolen item to the owner and try  apologize.According to Dr. Klass that "a pattern of stealing without any remorse can mark a serious problem – and that child needs help right away".This kind of act is a horrible to a child because of the reason that they may prone to become a kleptomaniac and it might be the start of taking drugs.The confusion to the parents are what should they do?When they are strict to their child they are rebelling, but when they are letting them their children may be prone to a kleptomania.This thing is very difficult to the parents to give the right moral to their children.But For me the best thing that the parents should do is to keep talking to their children so that you know the right thing that you should do to make your child a better person because the parents know's best on their child.

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